Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

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Research begins at 28:22

Prepare for takeoff! Government cover-ups, extraterrestrials, UFOs, and of course...SECRET TUNNELS! What is hidden at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside of Dayton, Ohio? Is the infamous Hangar 18 real? What are Andy and Art’s thoughts on Megadeth??

All of these questions answered and more! So get in your flying saucer and come for an alien joy ride on this week’s episode from Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast.

Andy and Art are captured once again by the titular Mr. Bunker - how did he fool them this time?

In the second segment, Andy and Art give you, the listeners, an uninterrupted presentation of their research into Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Finally, Andy and Art discuss Wright-Pat at length. They also discuss skyline chili, the game Operation, secrets, and so much more!

Send us your thoughts on this story to @MrBunkerPod and use the hashtag #AlienAutopsyTheGame, #MySecretOps, #YoureRightPattersonAFB

Music by Michael Martello
Artwork by Hannah Ross
Audio Editing by Arthur Stone

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