The Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa

Research begins at 28:22

Alright youse wiseguys! We got ourselves a rat! Which one of youse spilled da beans on who killed Jimmy Hoffa? Was it these two boombots, Andy and Art, of Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast? Naaah, these gabbagools wouldn’t hurt a fly! Besides, this episode right here covers all the theories on the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa! So leave da gun, take da cannoli, and get whacked off!

Andy and Art are captured once again by the titular Mr. Bunker - how did he fool them this time?

In the second segment, Andy and Art give you, the listeners, an uninterrupted presentation of their research into the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.

Finally, Andy and Art discuss the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa at length. They also talk about cyber crime, their mafia nicknames, literally say nothing about The Irishman, and so much more!

Send us your thoughts to @MrBunkerPod and using the hashtag #WhackingOffDay #MafiaHR

Music by Michael Martello
Artwork by Hannah Ross
Audio Editing by Arthur Stone

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The Mothman of Point Pleasant


Marfa Lights of Texas