Episode Archive
Winchester Mystery House
Do you love haunted houses? What about one where you can’t find your way out due to their crazy labyrinth design? Well then you’re in luck! Today’s topic, the Winchester Mystery House, is a wild, sprawling mansion and national landmark with a haunted origin. So bring your appetite and stay with your tour guides, Andy and Art, as they bring you the whole enchilada on the Winchester Mystery House. Thanks to Erica for the episode suggestion!
Skinwalker Ranch
Today we take a little trip deep into the wilderness of rural Utah to one of the most thoroughly researched paranormal hot-spots in the world - The Skinwalker Ranch - where bizarre paranormal and unexplained events have occurred at the ranch including: UFOs, ghostly apparitions, strange floating orbs, interdimensional portals, shapeshifting humanoids, Bigfoot, cattle mutilation, a bullet proof mega wolf, and much more. So come take a dip, in some spooky ranch, with Andy and Art!