Episode Archive

Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

HAARP: Weather and Mind Control?

HAARP the conspiracy angel sings! What is HAARP? What are they doing up there in that Alaskan facility? And why is HAARP at the center of literally every conspiracy? Join Andy and Art as they blast off into the whole enchiladasphere to give you all the science and pseudoscience behind HAARP. Thanks to Robbie Malec for the topic!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Death of Danny Casolaro and The Octopus

Did a shadowy cabal of geo-political movers and shakers murder an investigative journalist who got a little too close to the truth? This week we explore the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro who was researching a secret organization he called - The Octopus. Was The Octopus behind some of the biggest scandals of the 1980s? Bunk Funkers, you’re gonna need 8 arms to help shovel this heaping whole enchilada down your mind tummies! Thanks to Grachy for the topic suggestion!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment is one of the most well-known government experiments. Did the US Navy really make an entire sea vessel teleport 200 miles? Did the sailors get fused into the hull of the ship? Did “king of the eggheads” Albert Einstein lend his mega-brain to help make it happen? Well, Bunk Funkers to find the answers you’ll have to travel to the city of bunkerly love, Philadelphia, with us this week on Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast!

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