Episode Archive

Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

HAARP: Weather and Mind Control?

HAARP the conspiracy angel sings! What is HAARP? What are they doing up there in that Alaskan facility? And why is HAARP at the center of literally every conspiracy? Join Andy and Art as they blast off into the whole enchiladasphere to give you all the science and pseudoscience behind HAARP. Thanks to Robbie Malec for the topic!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Death of Danny Casolaro and The Octopus

Did a shadowy cabal of geo-political movers and shakers murder an investigative journalist who got a little too close to the truth? This week we explore the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro who was researching a secret organization he called - The Octopus. Was The Octopus behind some of the biggest scandals of the 1980s? Bunk Funkers, you’re gonna need 8 arms to help shovel this heaping whole enchilada down your mind tummies! Thanks to Grachy for the topic suggestion!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Marconi Murders

Spies, meat pies, and lies! What really happened to these 25 employees of UK defense contractor GEC-Marconi? Were they involved in a secret espionage ring? Did they know too much? Who exactly is Dr. Clint Eggerson and why is he so handsome? So many questions this week, Bunk Funkers, but here’s one thing that’s for sure: you’re getting the whole enchilada on the Marconi Murders! Thanks to Grachy for the episode suggestion!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Death of Marilyn Monroe

Lights! Camera! Action! Nude centerfolds of Mr. Bunker! This week Andy and Art pop a couple enemas and give you the whole enchilada on the death of Marilyn Monroe. What really happened to Hollywood’s “it” girl? How were John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy involved in her life and death? And was there a crime scene cover-up? It’s an episode fit for the stars! Thanks to Megan Peace-hand-sign-emoji for the topic!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Bilderberg Group

Welcome, you’ve received an invitation to the first annual, Bunkerberg meeting. Our topic for this evening? The whole enchilada on the Bilderberg group. What is this clandestine convention of the world’s rich and powerful elite? What topics do they discuss? Who gets invited? Prepare to have your eyes opened and your tummies full because this is one hearty episode on the Bilderberg Group!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment is one of the most well-known government experiments. Did the US Navy really make an entire sea vessel teleport 200 miles? Did the sailors get fused into the hull of the ship? Did “king of the eggheads” Albert Einstein lend his mega-brain to help make it happen? Well, Bunk Funkers to find the answers you’ll have to travel to the city of bunkerly love, Philadelphia, with us this week on Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

9/11, Part 2: Building Trouble

It’s the one year anniversary of Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast, and the titular Mr. Bunker could think of no topic bigger and more taboo to discuss than the conspiracies involved in the September 11th terrorist attacks. In part two we’ll look at all the conspiracy theories related to the buildings toppled on 9/11. Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams, controlled demolitions, nano-thermite, and SPACE BEAMS! All of this and more on this week’s one year grande size whole enchilada! And, of course, a massive thank you and shoutout to anyone who has given the show a listen. Your support is incredible and we truly appreciate it!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

9/11, Part 1: History and The Inside Job

It’s the one year anniversary of Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast, and the titular Mr. Bunker could think of no topic bigger and more taboo to discuss than the conspiracies involved in the September 11th terrorist attacks. In part one we’ll look at the history leading up to 9/11 as well as the day itself. Then we dive deep into the idea that it was all an inside job. What conspiracies will be uncovered? What coverups will be revealed? What hot outfits was Andy wearing back then? All of this and more on this week’s one year grande size whole enchilada! And, of course, a massive thank you and shoutout to anyone who has given the show a listen. Your support is incredible and we truly appreciate it!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Death of Princess Diana

It’s an episode fit for a queen! Andy and Art prepare for you the whole enchilada on the conspiracy surrounding Princess Diana’s tragic death. A beloved icon, gone too soon, was there someone behind the car accident that took her and her boyfriend, Dodi al-Fayed’s, lives? Well, dear Bunk Funkers, let us convene at Bunkingham Palace for a rousing royal radio program here on Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

And Yet More Music Conspiracies (Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison, and Beyonce)

Bunk Funkers, let's put this episode in a box to the left before we get caught in the cold Kentucky rain. I see riders on the storm, and they're too bootylicious for me! Obviously, people are strange, Andy and Art included. But don't be cruel, Bunk Funkers! Say our names. Say “Bunkie, we love you.” We just want to be your teddy bears and give you a whole enchilada stuffed with even more music conspiracies! We’re talking The King, The Lizard King, and the Queen conspiracies on this week’s Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

Big Pharma, The Cure for Cancer, and Goop

Pills and Goop! Cancer cures and Alternative meds! Oh my! Listeners, you better get ready because we got a grande sized plate of the whole enchilada on Big Pharma, potential cures for cancer, alternative medicine, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop! Dr. Bunker has nurse Andy and nurse Art on call to make sure you get your weekly dose of Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

Phantom Time Hypothesis

Listeners, welcome to the current year - 1722! Yes that’s right! This week’s episode concerns the very theory that almost 300 years of history was fabricated in a medieval conspiracy involving the Pope! Time is on your side, dear listeners, and so is Andy and Art as they bring you the whole enchilada on the Phantom Time Hypothesis.

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

Project Blue Beam

Project Blue Beam, is the hodgepodge; the smorgasbord; the TJ Maxx bargain bin of conspiracy topics! It’s got: new world order, mind control, ufos, deity holograms, satanic ghosts, and even a bizarre tie-in to a Star Trek episode! So blue beam up and hunker down in the bunker with Andy and Art as they lay out the whole enchilada on Project Blue Beam.

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

More Music Conspiracies (Avril Lavigne, Stevie Wonder, Post Malone)

Listeners, why do you have to go and make things so complicated!? It’s very superstitious! We know you’re poppin’ pillies feelin’ just like a rockstar! Listeners, if these fresh lyrics don’t clue you in to today’s topic then, well, maybe you’re just a couple sk8r bois! We’re talking more music industry conspiracies involving Avril Lavigne, Stevie Wonder, and Post Malone!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

Hitler Escaped to Argentina

Listeners think about the most evil dude in history and who do you think of? Haha, n-no s-stop thinking of us...It’s clearly Hitler. And at the end of the European chapter of WW2 with the Soviet army encroaching on his bunker hideout - Hitler took his own life. Or...did he? Today, on a listener suggested topic, we explore the theory that Hitler escaped Germany at the end of WW2 and lived out his life in Argentina.

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Eriksson Twins

Twin sisters, Sabina and Ursula Eriksson, depart for England in May of 2008. What happens next is a bizarre true crime story with more twists and turns than the M6 Motorway - where it all begins. Listen as Andy and Art uncover the mystery and conspiracies behind this extraordinary true story!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Kennedy Assassinations: John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was the youngest president in US history and he left a mythos few have matched. His term was tragically cut short in Dallas when he was assassinated. But by who? Many theorists have different answers and many politicians tasked with uncovering the truth come to different conclusions. Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone? Is there any truth behind the single/magic bullet theory? Are there any connections between the Kennedys family political machine and his assassination? Andy and Art take you back in time to learn all about who JFK was, how he was assassinated and the most well known conspiracy theories regarding his death. They dive deep into ballistics testing and both of the commissions tasked with finding the truth. This monumental historical event deserves a monumental episode, and listeners you won’t be disappointed!

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