Episode Archive

Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

Extraterrestrials: The Tall Whites and Charles Hall

Could a race of tall, snowy white, lightning quick, and hella smart aliens that live near Las Vegas and love to gamble be living here after striking a deal with the US Government!? Maybe! And no, we didn’t come up with a topic this wild - a retired US Air Force serviceman named Charles Hall did and he’s got some wacky encounters to share! So strap in and look up to the stars, Bunk Funkers, because we’re giving you the whole enchilada on the aliens known as the Tall Whites. Thanks to Dyson for the topic suggestion!

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Episode Mister Bunker Episode Mister Bunker

The Black Knight Satellite

You space freaks are going to love this one! Is there an ancient alien probe orbiting earth? What is its purpose? And has it been covered up? The Black Knight Satellite will leave your mind tummies in retrograde this week on Mr. Bunker’s Conspiracy Time Podcast!

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