Australia and Finland are Fake: And Some Other Places Too

Research begins at 24:03

Is Australia fake? Like does it really exist? Well what about Finland? Okay, but have you ever met anyone from Bielefeld, Germany? Whether you answered yes or no to any of these questions is not relevant - what is relevant is that today Andy and Art fly around in a tiny airplane and give you the whole enchilada on the conspiracies that some countries might be totally fake!

Andy and Art are NOT captured once again by the titular Mr. Bunker - what postcard did he send them this time?

In the second segment, Andy and Art give you, the listeners, an uninterrupted presentation of their research into Australia and Finland are Fake theory..

Finally, Andy and Art discuss Sick Lickle, first cell phones, their own country conspiracy, and so much more!

Send us your thoughts to @MrBunkerPod and using the hashtag #SickLickle

Music by Michael Martello
Artwork by Hannah Ross
Audio Editing by Arthur Stone

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The San Pedro Haunting