It all started when...
...two unsuspecting skeptic comedians named Andy Hart and Arthur Stone went and got themselves abducted by a conspiracy theorist and illusionary mastermind known to his "friends" simply as "Mr.Bunker." Week after week, Andy and Art are bound to Bunker's secret underground doomsday shelter and forced to podcast his various conspiracy theories and strange paranormal phenomenon to the world at his will. Through copious amounts of research, debate, and ridiculousness, prepare to be convinced that like the guy on the street corner says, "the end is nigh". And that's okay!
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Bunker Videos
Bob Lazar - Area 51, Element 115, and Alien Spacecraft
Bob Lazar is the subject of much scrutiny in the UFO scene. But Andy and Art are here to give you the whole enchilada on his story - so you decide for yourself. Did Bob help to reverse engineer an alien spacecraft? Does he have obscene amounts of the mysterious element 115? Does the USA own multiple alien spacecraft in a secret hanger near Area 51? If you watched Netflix’s Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers and were left wanting the whole enchilada on Bob’s story - then, dear Bunk Funkers - you’re in for a treat!
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